Hello happy customer!
  Plugin.net offers digital products that are created for WordPress platforms. The purchased plugins file and license will be available for instant download after the payment. Sometimes, It may take few minutes to verify the payment by the payment gateways, so we request you to kindly wait for up to 30 minutes. Incase, the download is not available after the payment, we request you to contact us at support@plugin.net

Our policy may include automatic renewal of the licenses every year or one-time payment that is mentioned in the product page. In order to get access to your details related to updates, support and downloads for the products, you need to have the valid and active license key. Auto-renewal is switched off when the customer/user disable the subscription themselves before the deadline.

Updates Related To Plugins
  As long as your license is valid, you get access to updates; Updates will be automatically delivered to the dashboard of WordPress. Whereas, in case of different situations like technical issue or if your purchased product does not support the automatic updates, one needs to download the latest and updated version of the plugin directly from the page. “Licenses & Downloads” in the reserved areas of the website my accounts.

Services From Our Support
  Our ongoing customers get unlimited support from us throughout the support validity. But, in case of license expiration, the customer first needs to renew their current license key or get a new license for the product in order to get help from the Support desk.

License Activation Page
  Follow these steps for the license activation of our WP plugins & themes

License Key (Step 1)
On our website – www.plugin.net. Go to Licenses & Downloads under My Account Tab. Obtain your License Key.

Activate License (Step 02)
Select the plugin you want to activate and fill in your registered email address, and then submit it with the provided license key. Plugin > License Activation

License Activation Successful (Step 3)
After you have submitted the details, your license will be activated. Then, you can get more information and details related to the product that you have activated.

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